List of nearest stations to 116 Nursery schools along the Seibu Haijima Line

A list of Nursery school such as Misono ohisama nursery, Kodaira namiki nursery, and Coby preschool kodaira, whose nearest stations are all 7 stations on the Seibu Haijima Line. In addition, we introduce wonderful websites of schools along the line. The website is constantly checked and updated.

List of Nursery schools near Seibu Haijima Line Station
Nice websites of Nursery schools along the Seibu Haijima Line
Another kind of schools along the Seibu Haijima Line

List of Nursery schools near Seibu Haijima Line Station

A list of elementary schools near stations on the Seibu Haijima Line. Stations with transfer lines are displayed below the station name. The number next to the facility name is the distance from the station to the facility. If the facility name is a link, you can check the wonderful website of that facility. If there is no elementary school near the station, only the station name will be displayed.

Nice websites of Nursery schools along the Seibu Haijima Line

A list of nice websites for facilities along the Seibu Haijima Line. Click the image to go to the site. We are always searching for nice websites.

Sunagawaguchimae sakuranbo nursery
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
1,100m from Musashi-Sunagawa Station on the Seibu Haijima Line, 1,800m from Takamatsu Station on the Tokyo Tama Intercity Monorail
Updated 13 February, 2024
Source: Sunagawaguchimae sakuranbo nursery
Suzunokidai nursery
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
1,400m from Kodaira Station on the Seibu Haijima Line, 1,400m from Kodaira Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line
Updated 15 January, 2024
Source: Suzunokidai nursery
Tachikawa hikari nursery
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
890m from Seibu-Tachikawa Station on the Seibu Haijima Line
Updated 06 December, 2023
Source: Tachikawa hikari nursery
Kamikitadai kohitsuji nursery
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
480m from Kamikitadai Station on the Tokyo Tama Intercity Monorail, 1,500m from Tamagawa-Josui Station on the Seibu Haijima Line
Updated 17 October, 2023
Source: Kamikitadai kohitsuji nursery
Manabino-mori nursery shin-kodaira
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
320m from Omekaido Station on the Seibu Tamako Line, 550m from Shin-Kodaira Station on the Musashino Line
Updated 03 September, 2023
Source: Manabino-mori nursery shin-kodaira
Tamakko nursery
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
200m from Kumegawa Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line, 660m from Yasaka Station on the Seibu Tamako Line
Updated 13 February, 2023
Source: Tamakko nursery
Fujimi nursery
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
1,000m from Ogawa Station on the Seibu Kokubunji Line, 1,000m from Ogawa Station on the Seibu Haijima Line
Updated 13 February, 2023
Source: Fujimi nursery
Himeyuri kodomoen
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
740m from Higashi-Yamatoshi Station on the Seibu Haijima Line, 1,700m from Izumi-Taiikukan Station on the Tokyo Tama Intercity Monorail
Updated 11 October, 2022
Source: Himeyuri kodomoen
Manabino-mori nursery shin-kodaira
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
320m from Omekaido Station on the Seibu Tamako Line, 550m from Shin-Kodaira Station on the Musashino Line
Updated 11 October, 2022
Source: Manabino-mori nursery shin-kodaira
Nicot hajijima
Nursery school in Tokyo Prefecture.
130m from Hajijima Station on the Itsukaichi Line, 130m from Hajijima Station on the Hachiko Line, Kawagoe line
Updated 11 October, 2022
Source: Nicot hajijima

Another kind of schools along the Seibu Haijima Line

Elementary schools along the Seibu Haijima Line

Middle schools along the Seibu Haijima Line

High schools along the Seibu Haijima Line

Universities along the Seibu Haijima Line