The nearest station image.


List of 30 schools near Korien Station

A list of schools and nurseries near Korien Station, such as Kori Nevers Gakuin High School, Third junior high school, and Kita Elementary School.

Updated 26 April, 2024

Overview of Korien Station
List of schools
School with nice web site near Korien Station

Overview of Korien Station

A station on the Keihan Main Line, Oto Line in Osaka Prefecture.

Keihan Main Line, Oto Line
Neyagawashi - Korien - Kozenji

List of schools

This is a list of schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens that have Korien Station as their nearest station.

High school
Kori Nevers Gakuin High School - 640m
Doshisha Kori High School - 1300m
Middle school
Third junior high school - 630m
Kori Nevers Gakuin Junior High School - 640m
Tomorogi Junior High School - 770m
Second junior high school - 1200m
Dairoku Junior High School - 1200m
Doshisha Kori Junior High School - 1300m
Tenth junior high school - 1700m
Elementary school
Kita Elementary School - 530m
Kori Nevers Gakuin Elementary School - 640m
Tai Elementary School - 1000m
Fifth Elementary School - 1100m
Kiya Elementary School - 1100m
Ishizu Elementary School - 1400m
Kaori Elementary School - 1500m
Kunimatsu Midorioka Elementary School - 1700m
Mii Elementary School - 1900m
Nursery school
X - 400m
Himawari Nursery - 480m
X - 550m
X - 600m
Kita Kindergarten - 640m
Shinai nursery - 700m
X - 800m
X - 880m
X - 880m
X - 980m
Neyagawa Megumi-en - 1100m
Korigaoka nursery - 1200m

School with nice web site near Korien Station

We introduce schools that are located near Korien station and have a nice website. Click the image to go to the site. We are always searching for nice websites.

Doshisha Kori Junior High School
Middle school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 26 April, 2024
Source: Doshisha Kori Junior High School
Kori Nevers Gakuin Junior High School
Middle school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 22 March, 2024
Source: Kori Nevers Gakuin Junior High School
Doshisha Kori High School
High school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 13 February, 2024
Source: Doshisha Kori High School
Kori Nevers Gakuin High School
High school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 19 November, 2023
Source: Kori Nevers Gakuin High School
Kori Nevers Gakuin Elementary School
Elementary school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 06 November, 2023
Source: Kori Nevers Gakuin Elementary School