The nearest station image.


List of 20 schools near Wakae-Iwata Station

A list of schools and nurseries near Wakae-Iwata Station, such as Fuse Kita High School, Tamagawa Junior High School, and Tamami Elementary School.

Overview of Wakae-Iwata Station
List of schools
School with nice web site near Wakae-Iwata Station

Overview of Wakae-Iwata Station

A station on the Kintetsu Namba Line, Nara Line in Osaka Prefecture.

Kintetsu Namba Line, Nara Line
Yaenosato - Wakae-Iwata - Kawachi-Hanazono

List of schools

This is a list of schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens that have Wakae-Iwata Station as their nearest station.

High school
Fuse Kita High School - 1200m
Middle school
Tamagawa Junior High School - 440m
Wakae Junior High School - 1500m
Elementary school
Tamami Elementary School - 370m
Iwatanishi Elementary School - 430m
Tamagawa Elementary School - 780m
Wakae Elementary School - 1200m
Nursery school
X - 120m
Kurumi Nursery - 170m
X - 240m
X - 300m
X - 390m
X - 390m
X - 400m
Hikari Nursery - 540m
X - 600m
X - 780m
X - 1100m
X - 1400m
X - 1400m

School with nice web site near Wakae-Iwata Station

We haven't found a nice website yet.