The nearest station image.


List of 36 schools near Ryokuchi-koen Station

A list of schools and nurseries near Ryokuchi-koen Station, such as Sundai Tourism and Foreign Language Business College, Riseisha High School, and Daiichi Junior High School.

Updated 13 June, 2024

Overview of Ryokuchi-koen Station
List of schools
School with nice web site near Ryokuchi-koen Station

Overview of Ryokuchi-koen Station

A station on the Kita-Osaka Kyuko Railway in Osaka Prefecture.

Kita-Osaka Kyuko Railway
Momoyama-dai - Ryokuchi-koen - Esaka

List of schools

This is a list of schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens that have Ryokuchi-koen Station as their nearest station.

Sundai Tourism and Foreign Language Business College - 200m
Chuo College of Technology OSAKA - 370m
High school
Riseisha High School - 1400m
Kansai University Daiichi High School - 1500m
Middle school
Daiichi Junior High School - 680m
Daiichi Junior High School - 680m
17th Junior High School - 1200m
16th Junior High School - 1300m
Riseisha Gakuen Toyonaka Junior High School - 1400m
Kansai University Daiichi Junior High School - 1500m
Elementary school
Terauchi Elementary School - 360m
Senri 3rd Elementary School - 440m
Hojo Elementary School - 1200m
Senri 2nd Elementary School - 1400m
Ryokuchi Elementary School - 1500m
Nursery school
Aigran nursery Terauchi - 330m
Terauchi kodomoen - 420m
Nobikko Esaka-Kita nursery - 470m
Suita poppo hikari nursery - 670m
Suita poppo takezono nursery - 840m
Sensan nursery - 880m
Futaba nursery - 910m
Kyoshinno hoikuen hoppa hattoriryokuchi - 920m
Senriyama nursery - 1100m
Nursery senriyama kids - 1100m
Treasure kids kasuga nursery - 1100m
Senriyama azeriya nursery - 1100m
Eki-mae azeriya nursery - 1100m
Senriyama grace kindergarten - 1200m
Chilec kandai-mae nursery - 1200m
Senri 2nd kindergarten - 1400m
Higashiizumigaoka hidamari nursery - 1500m
Senriyama kujira nursery - 1500m
Hattori midori kindergarten - 1600m
Senriyama kuzira nursery - 1600m
Senriyama yamate gakuen - 1600m

School with nice web site near Ryokuchi-koen Station

We introduce schools that are located near Ryokuchi-koen station and have a nice website. Click the image to go to the site. We are always searching for nice websites.

Senriyama azeriya nursery
Nursery school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 13 June, 2024
Source: Senriyama azeriya nursery
Kansai University Daiichi High School
High school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 10 January, 2024
Source: Kansai University Daiichi High School
Senriyama grace kindergarten
Nursery school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 13 November, 2023
Source: Senriyama grace kindergarten