The nearest station image.


List of 16 schools near Haibara Station

A list of schools and nurseries near Haibara Station, such as Shinseishoyo High School, Harahara Junior High School, and Haibara Elementary School.

Overview of Haibara Station
List of schools
School with nice web site near Haibara Station

Overview of Haibara Station

A station on the Kintetsu Osaka Line in Nara Prefecture.

Kintetsu Osaka Line
Hasedera - Haibara - Muroguchi-Ono

List of schools

This is a list of schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens that have Haibara Station as their nearest station.

High school
Shinseishoyo High School - 620m
Yamabe High School - 7600m
Nihon Kyouiku Gakuin High School - 9500m
Middle school
Harahara Junior High School - 740m
Utanofuruichi Junior High School - 6500m
Elementary school
Haibara Elementary School - 250m
Haibara Nishi Elementary School - 1300m
Harahara Higashi Elementary School - 2000m
Utano Elementary School - 7000m
Nursery school
Haibara kindergarten - 270m
Haibarakita nursery - 620m
Shirayuri nursery - 800m
Haibaranishi kindergarten - 1100m
Haibarahigashi kindergarten - 2100m
Sumire Nursery - 2100m
Utano nursery - 6100m

School with nice web site near Haibara Station

We haven't found a nice website yet.