The nearest station image.


List of 13 schools near Shin-Yamaguchi Station

A list of schools and nurseries near Shin-Yamaguchi Station, such as Ogori Junior High School, Ogori Minami Elementary School, and X.

Updated 14 June, 2024

Overview of Shin-Yamaguchi Station
List of schools
School with nice web site near Shin-Yamaguchi Station

Overview of Shin-Yamaguchi Station

A station located in Yamaguchi Prefecture. The following 4 routes are in service.

San-yo Main Line [Iwakuni to Moji]
Yotsutsuji - Shin-Yamaguchi - Kagawa

Ube Line
Shin-Yamaguchi - Kami-Kagawa

Yamaguchi Line
Shin-Yamaguchi - Suo-Shimogo

San-yo Shinkansen
Tokuyama - Shin-Yamaguchi - Asa

List of schools

This is a list of schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens that have Shin-Yamaguchi Station as their nearest station.

YIC Information Business College - 150m
YIC Civil Service College - 150m
YIC Beauty Mode College - 160m
Yamaguchi Cooking and Confectionery College - 300m
Yamaguchi Prefectural Barber and Beauty College - 430m
Ginan Nursing College - 1300m
Middle school
Ogori Junior High School - 1500m
Elementary school
Ogori Minami Elementary School - 470m
Ogori Elementary School - 1500m
Natajima Elementary School - 2600m
Nursery school
X - 230m
X - 530m
Heart Nursery Shin-Yamaguchi - 680m

School with nice web site near Shin-Yamaguchi Station

We introduce schools that are located near Shin-Yamaguchi station and have a nice website. Click the image to go to the site. We are always searching for nice websites.

Heart Nursery Shin-Yamaguchi
Nursery school in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
Updated 14 June, 2024
Source: Heart Nursery Shin-Yamaguchi