The nearest station image.


List of 18 schools near Mito Station

A list of schools and nurseries near Mito Station, such as Kinki University High School, Kanaoka Junior High School, and Mito Elementary School.

Updated 22 March, 2024

Overview of Mito Station
List of schools
School with nice web site near Mito Station

Overview of Mito Station

A station on the Kintetsu Osaka Line in Osaka Prefecture.

Kintetsu Osaka Line
Nagase - Mito - Kyuhojiguchi

List of schools

This is a list of schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens that have Mito Station as their nearest station.

High school
Kinki University High School - 1600m
Middle school
Kanaoka Junior High School - 300m
Mito Junior High School - 630m
Nagase Junior High School - 1300m
Kinki University Junior High School - 1600m
Elementary school
Mito Elementary School - 460m
Nagasehigashi Elementary School - 470m
Mitohigashi Elementary School - 590m
Nagaseminami Elementary School - 1200m
Ohasu Elementary School - 1400m
Nursery school
X - 280m
X - 280m
X - 470m
Aoba Kindergarten - 510m
Satsuki Kodomoen - 610m
X - 870m
X - 1200m
Kamihigashi nursery - 1800m

School with nice web site near Mito Station

We introduce schools that are located near Mito station and have a nice website. Click the image to go to the site. We are always searching for nice websites.

Kinki University Junior High School
Middle school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 22 March, 2024
Source: Kinki University Junior High School
Kinki University High School
High school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 02 June, 2023
Source: Kinki University High School
Kinki University Junior High School
Middle school in Osaka Prefecture.
Updated 22 May, 2023
Source: Kinki University Junior High School