The nearest station image.


List of 18 schools near Tenri Station

A list of schools and nurseries near Tenri Station, such as Tenri University, Tenri Kyoko Gakuen High School, and Kita Junior High School.

Updated 05 February, 2024

Overview of Tenri Station
List of schools
School with nice web site near Tenri Station

Overview of Tenri Station

A station located in Nara Prefecture. The following 2 routes are in service.

Manyo-Mahoroba Line
Ichinomoto - Tenri - Nagara

Kintetsu Tenri Line
Senzai - Tenri

List of schools

This is a list of schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens that have Tenri Station as their nearest station.

Tenri University - 560m
Tenri University - 830m
Tenri University - 1500m
Tenrikyo school - 1600m
Tenrikyo Language Institute - 1700m
High school
Tenri Kyoko Gakuen High School - 850m
Tenri High School - 1300m
Middle school
Kita Junior High School - 1500m
Tenri Junior High School - 1700m
Fukuzumi Junior High School - 7900m
Elementary school
Tanbaichi Elementary School - 720m
Yamanobe Elementary School - 1100m
Senzai Elementary School - 1200m
Tenri Elementary School - 1400m
Fukuzumi Elementary School - 8200m
Nursery school
Chuuou nursery - 240m
Senzai nursery - 1200m
Minami nursery - 1500m

School with nice web site near Tenri Station

We introduce schools that are located near Tenri station and have a nice website. Click the image to go to the site. We are always searching for nice websites.

Tenrikyo school
Vocational school in Nara Prefecture.
Updated 05 February, 2024
Source: Tenrikyo school