The nearest station image.


List of 25 schools near Kami Station

A list of schools and nurseries near Kami Station, such as Kamiminami Junior High School, Kami Nanbu Elementary School, and Kami 2nd nursery.

Overview of Kami Station
List of schools
School with nice web site near Kami Station

Overview of Kami Station

A station on the Yamatoji Line in Osaka Prefecture.

Yamatoji Line
Kyuhoji - Kami - Hirano

List of schools

This is a list of schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens that have Kami Station as their nearest station.

Tokiwakai Gakuen University - 1300m
Tokiwakai Junior College - 1300m
Middle school
Kamiminami Junior High School - 490m
Kami Junior High School - 570m
Nagase Junior High School - 1300m
Elementary school
Kami Nanbu Elementary School - 430m
Kamihigashi Elementary School - 440m
Kami Elementary School - 550m
Ohasu Elementary School - 1000m
Takebuchi Elementary School - 1200m
Hiranominami Elementary School - 1300m
Nagaseminami Elementary School - 1300m
Kirehigashi Elementary School - 1600m
Nursery school
Kami 2nd nursery - 350m
Kamihigashi nursery - 510m
Kami 1st nursery - 680m
Hirano aiwa gakuen - 730m
Hirano aiwa 2nd gakuen - 730m
Higashihirano kindergarten - 850m
Takefuchi kindergarten - 860m
Hirano aiwa 3rd gakuen - 870m
Kami nagasawa nursery - 1200m
Minami kindergarten - 1200m
Sugina nursery branch - 1500m
Kire kindergarten - 1800m

School with nice web site near Kami Station

We haven't found a nice website yet.