Image of school history


Wonderful website of Dream kodomoen

Introducing site images from Dream kodomoen's website that will cheer you up when you look at them.

Nearest station to Dream kodomoen
Website history of Dream kodomoen
Facilities near Dream kodomoen

Nearest station to Dream kodomoen

Below are the stations closest to the school. Click (tap) the route name to display a list of schools along the railway line.

Hanwa Line
450m from Tsukuno Station

Hanwa Line Higashi-Hagoromo Branch Line
1100m from Otori Station

Website history of Dream kodomoen

Introducing past websites. The latest website is below.
Dream kodomoen website

January 2024

Dream kodomoenのトップページ画像
Source: Dream kodomoen - January 2024

Facilities near Dream kodomoen

This is a list of facilities near Dream kodomoen. If you click (tap) on the linked facility, you can also view the wonderful websites of other facilities.

・Nursery zousan in sakai city medical center - 270m

・Hanwa Otori Automobile Technical College - 300m

・Tsukuno kodomoen - 330m

・Dream kodomoen branch - 340m

Butsuryo College of Osaka - 470m

・Tanpopo nursery tsukuno - 510m

・Koala nursery - 650m

・Otorino-mori kodomoen - 680m

・Otorinishi kodomoen branch - 790m

・Ebaraji Elementary School - 800m

・Minnano nursery - 820m

・Tsukuno Junior High School - 830m

Kuminoki kodomoen tsukuno - 830m

・Tsukuno Elementary School - 860m

・Osaka Conservatory of Music - 870m

・Aiai otori nursery - 890m

・Pegasus nursery - 900m

・Pegasus nursery tsubasa - 900m

・Otori Elementary School - 910m

・Uribo kindergarten - 930m

・Hiraoka Elementary School - 980m

・Sun kodomoen branch otorihigashi infant - 980m

・Hamadera Junior High School - 990m