Image of school history


Wonderful website of Minami-saigo nozomi nursery

Introducing site images from Minami-saigo nozomi nursery's website that will cheer you up when you look at them.

Nearest station to Minami-saigo nozomi nursery
Website history of Minami-saigo nozomi nursery
Facilities near Minami-saigo nozomi nursery

Nearest station to Minami-saigo nozomi nursery

Below are the stations closest to the school. Click (tap) the route name to display a list of schools along the railway line.

Tenryu Hamanako Line
1800m from Kakegawa Station

Tokaido Shinkansen
1800m from Kakegawa Station

Tokaido Main Line [Shizuoka to Toyohashi]
1800m from Kakegawa Station

Website history of Minami-saigo nozomi nursery

Introducing past websites. The latest website is below.
Minami-saigo nozomi nursery website

January 2024

Minami-saigo nozomi nurseryのトップページ画像
Source: Minami-saigo nozomi nursery - January 2024

Facilities near Minami-saigo nozomi nursery

This is a list of facilities near Minami-saigo nozomi nursery. If you click (tap) on the linked facility, you can also view the wonderful websites of other facilities.

・Kakegawa Higashi High School - 660m